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Bluetooth Enabled selfie Stick for Mobile Phone.

₹ 749 ₹ 2,049 63% off



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Introducing our Bluetooth Enabled Selfie Stick for Mobile Phones – the ultimate tool for capturing perfect moments with ease. With its sleek design and cutting-edge technology, this selfie stick allows you to take flawless selfies and group photos effortlessly. Simply connect your mobile phone via Bluetooth, extend the stick to your desired length, and strike a pose. The built-in remote shutter button lets you snap photos conveniently, ensuring you never miss a shot. Compact and portable, it's the ideal accessory for travel, parties, and everyday adventures. Elevate your selfie game with our Bluetooth Enabled Selfie Stick and capture memories like never before.

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Product Description

Introducing our Bluetooth Enabled Selfie Stick for Mobile Phones – the ultimate tool for capturing perfect moments with ease. With its sleek design and cutting-edge technology, this selfie stick allows you to take flawless selfies and group photos effortlessly. Simply connect your mobile phone via Bluetooth, extend the stick to your desired length, and strike a pose. The built-in remote shutter button lets you snap photos conveniently, ensuring you never miss a shot. Compact and portable, it's the ideal accessory for travel, parties, and everyday adventures. Elevate your selfie game with our Bluetooth Enabled Selfie Stick and capture memories like never before.

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